January 29 is National Puzzle Day! Puzzles are not only fun but provide brains of any age the challenge of problem solving, patience and coordination while developing and sustaining fine motor skills.
There are many websites on making your own puzzles for any age but a simple one I found for toddlers and pre-schoolers was taking ordinary objects around the house like cookie cutters, tools, toys or utensils and tracing around them on a piece of paper or cardboard. Use a dark marker to make the lines bold. After tracing the items, put the items in a basket or box and challenge your child to match the items to their tracings. This activity is one where older children could help in the hunt for objects and tracing them.
To develop language skills, always encourage your child to name the puzzle piece that goes on the board. Simple puzzles with a theme, like zoo, nature, vehicles, etc., can help your child learn vocabulary. You can also use the "what does that say?" or "what sound does that make?" activity.
As the child grows, introduce the alphabet. Be mindful of their patience and start with one or two letters, not all 26. As they master those, bring in questions about what words start with that letter, what sound that letter makes. Sequencing puzzles are great for developing problem-solving skills. First, next, last is simple but will give your child self-confidence as they master the pieces.
Always consider a family puzzle time. Be the role model by showing patience, working to find pieces, discussing strategies. The value of this activity is priceless.
Puzzles can be home-made or store-bought. Google it, shop for it, borrow it or hit those yard sales and consignment shops!