
100 Things To Do

Neighboring Santa Claus And Spencer County

By Diane Braun July 3, 2021

I realize we are Macaroni Kid EVANSVILLE and there's so many things to do in our community, but I recently overheard a conversation where the comment was made to "go to Holiday World" and that's all there is to do once you get to Santa Claus, Indiana. I started thinking back to not only my children but also my own childhood and I can remember going to Lincoln State Park on field trips (there's actually a beach there), seeing plays at Lincoln Amphitheatre, heading to the shops that are holiday-themed, going with a church group to St. Meinrad Archabbey and being amazed by the history and architecture, going to the Holiday Drive In and watching a movie from our car, and so much more!  Spencer County is a short ride from anywhere in the Evansville area and can make for a great weekend outing!  See the list of 100 things to do in Spencer County here: Spencercounty100