
Hooray For Sandwiches!

Teaching Kids To Make Healthy Choices

By Diane Braun October 30, 2021

Believe it or not, November 3rd is National Sandwich Day!  One of the ways to introduce, or convince, a picky eater to try new foods is to allow them to make their own meal.  Not every meal--we don't want to see our kids standing at the oven for hours.  But something simple, like a sandwich.  Our world has so many options other than peanut butter and jelly, although that's still a crowd favorite.  But think about the things your child will eat and see if they could possibly be made into a sandwich.

Walk through any grocery store and you'll notice all the different ways to create a sandwich.  Starting with the "outside", there's bread, pita pockets, English muffins, tortillas, wraps and panini. Not to mention the flavors to choose from with those "outsiders".  So the outside has been chosen...what to spread on the bread?  Peanut butter, cream cheese, butter, hummus?  Again, the choices are incredible.

Fruit or vegetable time!  Who says lettuce and tomato are the only sandwich choices? Ever heard of a banana and peanut butter sandwich?  One of my favorite ways to make grilled cheese is with slices of Granny Smith apple in the midst of all that gooey cheese.  Carrots can be sliced length-wise to include, same with cucumbers.

Always need a protein which isn't necessarily meat.  Eggs, hard-boiled or fried.   Tuna, fresh from the can or mixed with some mayo.

Encourage your child to sample items as you bring them to the table.  If you notice them enjoying something, challenge them to make a sandwich.  If you have a bread eater, use shaped cookie cutters to make star sandwiches.  I discovered this chart at and thought it was a great tool to use to get started. You could use the chart to plan your grocery trip--ask your child to check off at least two items in each category that you'll buy and then expect them to make a sandwich!  Again, make it a fun experience!

Making My Own Sandwich {Kids in the Kitchen}