
100+ Indoor Winter Activities

January 8, 2025

Winter in the Evansville area always guarantees one thing.... COLD. So what do we do on those days when we don't want to take the little ones out? What if it's a snow day and we're stuck in the house? Here's a list of more than 100 things to do to keep your little noodles entertained during the winter months!

  1. Make snowflakes out of noodles - paint then and add some glitter for some extra flare
  2. Build a fort with blankets and pillows - grab some hot cocoa and snacks and read some stories inside
  3. Make marshmallow houses
  4. Stack cardboard boxes and practice your ninja kicks to knock them down
  5. Indoor scavenger hunt
  6. Make Dance Ribbons
  7. Have a 'snowball' fight with rolled up socks or crumpled up paper
  8. Play hide and seek
  9. Learn a new card game
  10. Play Simon Says
  11. Write a story as a family - make it an annual tradition and publish them with a site like Shutterfly or Mixbook
  12. Dance Party!
  13. Put down contact paper and let them stick feathers, pieces of paper and other items to it for a unique art project
  14. Put pillows inside your shirts and sumo wrestle
  15. Get a kiddie-pool and bring the snow inside 
  16. Dip some fruit and marshmallows in chocolate and have a fondue party
  17. Pitch your tent in the living room and have a camp-in
  18. Set up an entire room of Barbie dolls/furniture, train tracks, hot wheels tracks, LEGO sets, or any other sets usually in storage or mixed together
  19. Make paper bag puppets and put on a show
  20. Paint rocks
  21. Let the kids give their toys a bath in the sink
  22. For the toddlers, place them inside of a cardboard box (no, don't shut it) and give them crayons to color the inside of it
  23. Karaoke
  24. Have a picnic on the floor
  25. Make your own explorer binoculars
  26. Play hop-scotch by putting masking tape on the floor for the course
  27. Using masking tape again, you can make a racetrack for toy cars
  28. Start a family photo album... finish it by Spring
  29. Use cardboard to make a slide on your staircase 
  30. Download and create your own Family Safety Binder
  31. Have a make-over day with your little ladies. Do her hair, paint her nails, some light make-up and a dress. Then, let her do yours, too! Post selfies on social media and encourage your mom-friends to do the same
  32. Have a tea party
  33. Switch bath-time from night to day and add some extra toys for water play
  34. Make a winter-themed sensory bin using white rice, marshmallows and maybe some beads (change items based on child's age)
  35. Make paper-plate snowman masks
  36. Look at family photos and reminisce 
  37. Painting party! - Paint themed canvasses for the next holiday to use as decor
  38. Let your kids make their own lunch one day - put out sandwich essentials and let them have at it
  39. Popsicle stick houses
  40. Make your own slime
  41. Hide some "treasure", make a map and send them on a hunt
  42. Play charades 
  43. Using colored cardstock paper, weave some together to make new placemats
  44. Play Baking Show - Using play doh or slime and write down challenges like “cake” “cookie” “confection” and then themes like “under the sea”, “funny face”, “holiday”, “zoo”, etc. and sculpt within a time limit, quick rounds like 2-3 min each
  45. Write your own songs and perform for each other
  46. Dress up stuffed animals with clothes your kids have outgrown
  47. Make your own drive-in theater - Use old cardboard boxes, paint them like cars and sit in them for movie time
  48. Make popsicle stick snowmen
  49. Paint with Q-tips
  50. Make your own crayons
  51. Nerf Wars
  52. Make apple or potato stamps
  53. Go through your kids' old clothes and toys to donate 
  54. Play "I-Spy" ... "I spy something little and red..." Let them guess until they figure it out 
  55. Hang donuts on a string and see who can eat them faster without using their hands
  56. Using velcro or sting and empty tissue boxes filled with ping pong balls or large marshmallows, tie them around your kids' waist and watch them wiggle and wiggle until they all come out
  57. Start and finish a puzzle together
  58. Using plastic cups and string, make 'telephones'
  59. Have walky-talkies? Go on a face adventure. Set up animals for the jungle, keep the lights off and really make-believe with your littles
  60. Play balloon tennis (if you don't have rackets, just use your hands!)
  61. Set up a photo booth using a fun backdrop, cute props and maybe some words written on paper plates to enhance the look
  62. Hallway bowling with empty water bottles and a ball
  63. Do jumping jacks - tire them kids out!
  64. Pillow fights
  65. Freeze yogurt with fresh fruit for a unique frozen treat
  66. Make a kid burrito - wrap them up in a sheet or blanket and see how long it takes them to get out
  67. Toilet paper mummies
  68. Learn a new yo-yo trick
  69. Have a staring contest 
  70. Play with shaving cream on the wall by the bathtub
  71. Tie-Dye some shirts 
  72. Egg-toss! (If you're daring, use raw eggs... if you're not... boil them first)
  73. Using a celery stalk, make a stamp that looks like a rose
  74. Make noodle necklaces and bracelets
  75. Thumbprint art
  76. Learn origami
  77. Teach them how to wash the baseboards - make a game out of it and see who can finish their assigned room first (yea, they'll clean for you if it's fun!)
  78. String some popcorn for necklaces or home decor (or your Christmas tree!)
  79. Let your kids play drums with pans and wooden spoons (you'll need your earplugs for this but they'll love it!)
  80. Self-portraits
  81. Learn clapping games like 'Miss Mary Mack'
  82. Make black and white crayon resist pictures
  83. Bake some cookies
  84. Make snow-paint - Mix 1/2 cup cornstarch with 1/2 cup water in a bowl. Add in food coloring. Pour the liquid into cups in the muffin tin. Repeat the recipe to make more colors
  85. Write letters to first responders to say thank you
  86. Pantry-clean-out. Decide what non-perishable food you don't need or really don't plan on using soon and place them in a box for donation to a local food pantry
  87. Pipe cleaner fun - you can wrap them around pencils for a springy looking thing, add some googly eyes and make wings out of another color, ta-da! You have a butterfly! Use your imagination and make a pipe cleaner zoo
  88. Make your own bookmarks
  89. Make a family time capsule
  90. Bake some bread, let your kids knead the dough
  91. Point a lamp against a wall and make some shadow puppets
  92. Break out some old magazines and make vision-boards or collages
  93. Do some crossword puzzles
  94. Record your own silly movie
  95. Do a blind taste-test with condiments, foods and drinks you have at home
  96. Practice your face-painting skills
  97. Get a head start on making homemade valentines
  98. Make flowers out of felt and add them to a vase
  99. Hang a map of the world and learn about your top 10 places you'd want to visit - pretend like money isn't part of it!
  100. Start an indoor garden
  101. Create a new recipe
  102. Ask your kids what they want to be when they grow up and research some new 'careers' for them so they know what their dream job entails
  103. Rearrange bedrooms for a fun and new feel
  104. Play hot potato